Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank TiVo

My wife and I have not missed an episode of Jeopardy! in eight years. Apart from interruptions in regularly scheduled programming due to natural disasters, human inflicted disasters, or presidential speeches, not a single half hour of Trebek has gone by without our participation.

You can thank TiVo for that.

I got my TiVo in 2001 and it has faithfully captured every weekday half-hour at 7pm. It went through a hard drive change in 2004 because of the dreaded TiVo hiccup malady that affects not-so-functional drives, but overall it's been a data capturing champ.

A year ago it was supplanted by a DishNetwork HD DVR, but we still kept the Jeopardy! season pass on the TiVo anyway-- just in case the HD DVR flubbed up.

We just dumped DishNetwork and decided to do everything live and/or Hulu and/or Netflix and/or [INSERT ONLINE VIDEO SERVICE OF THE MONTH HERE], so now our Jeopardy! must happen exactly at 7pm Pacific. Until I configure my HTPC to capture live HD, we'll have to schedule accordingly.

UPDATE: I got an Airlink digital/analog converter that's now feeding the TiVo. The problem is that I can't find the proper IR codes so the TiVo can change the channels on the Airlink box. But that's okay 'cause as long as I leave the box on KABC and have the TiVo only record Jeopardy, then it doesn't have to change channels. Jeopardy! Again! Always recorded!

Anyway, to the point...

I'm in full time study mode now. Because yesireebob I went through the audition process and am on the so-called list of potential contestants for the next year and a half.


I'll provide details in my next post.