Sunday, July 5, 2009

National Airlines

When you see an airline called Air India or Air Canada or Alitalia, it's obvious where those airlines come from. It's the ones with not-so-related names that we need to be concerned about.

Part 1: A sampling of airlines that don't have their associated country in their name. Some of the names with initials may very well stand for (or at least hint at) what country they're from, but it's not overtly apparent.

Qantas: Australia
Gulf Air: Bahrain
Maya Island Air: Belize
AeroSur: Bolivia
TAM Airlines: Brazil
LAN Airlines: Chile
Avianca: Colombia
Lacsa: Costa Rica
TAME: Ecuador
TACA: El Salvador
Lufthansa: Germany
Olympic Airlines: Greece
Cathay Pacific: Hong Kong
Malev: Hungary
Aer Lingus: Ireland
El Al: Israel
KLM: Netherlands
Copa Airlines: Panama
TAROM: Romania
Aeroflot: Russia
Iberia: Spain
Etihad Airways: United Arab Emirates

Part 2: Country of the day = Bangladesh. Capital city = Dhaka.

Part 3: Word of the day = compunction noun a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret or doing wrong or causing pain

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Clinton's Cabinet

As a follow up to the previous post, here's a list of Clinton's cabinet. There are multiple names in most departments 'cause of the changing of the guard through the course of the administration. Note that in my historical trek backwards through presidential cabinets that I'm conveniently skipping over George Bush the younger. 'Cause frankly, I don't care who was in his cabinet.

Part 1: Clinton's cabinet. There wasn't a Homeland Security secretary back then (pre-9/11).

Vice President: Al Gore, Jr.
State: Warren M. Christopher, Madeleine Albright
Treasury: Lloyd Bentsen, Robert E. Rubin, Lawrence H. Summers
Defense: Les Aspin, William J. Perry, William S. Cohen
Justice: Attorney General Janet Reno
interior: Bruce Babbitt
Agriculture: Mike Espy, Dan Glickman
Commerce: Ronald H. Brown, Mickey Kantor, William M. Daley, Norman Y. Mineta
Labor: Robert B. Reich, Alexis Herman
Health and Human Services: Donna E. Shalala
Housing and Urban Development: Henry G. Cisneros, Andrew M. Cuomo
Transportation: Federico F. Pena, Rodney Slater
Energy: Hazel R. O'Leary, Federico F. Pena, Bill Richardson
Education: Richard W. Riley
Veterans Affairs: Jesse Brown, Togo D. West, Jr.

Part 2: Country of the day = Bahrain. Capital city = Manama.

Part 3: Word of the day = alimentary adjective concerned with the function of nutrition