Wednesday, May 27, 2009

John Keats: Works

One of my glaring Jeopardy! weaknesses is poetry, and so if I have no idea on a poetry question, my standard guess is Who is Keats? I suppose it's prudent to have one standard (educated?) guess in every conceivable category, just in case you have to take a wild stab in the dark. Examples: German opera = Wagner; NY Yankees = Babe Ruth; boxing = Muhammad Ali; Polish chemist = Marie Curie; Dictator = Hitler; Supreme Court justice = Thurgood Marshall; food that begins with Q = quince; random US president = McKinley; tiny country = Liechtenstein; and in this case English poet = Keats.

In order to make this glaring weakness a not-so-glaring weakness, I'll familiarize myself with a few of Keats' poem titles. After all, in most Jeopardy! cases it's not important to know a lot of detail about specific works of any author, but simply knowing titles of works should suffice.

Part 1: A few of John Keats' works:
A Song About Myself
Endymion: A Poetic Romance
The Eve of St Agnes
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode on Indolence
Ode on Melancholy
Ode to a Nightingale
Ode to Psyche
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
To Autumn

Part 2: Country of the day = Albania. Capital city = Tirane (or Tirana).

Part 3:
Word of the day = temerity noun unwise boldness; rash or reckless behavior

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