Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama's Cabinet

One topic I know I'm weak on is guys' and gals' names who serve politically, whether it be governors, mayors, congressfolks, or cabinet members. This is not just a problem with those currently in office, but it's most definitely a problem historically. So I might as well start in the here and now.

Part 1: Obama's cabinet, listed in order of succession. Note that between the VP and the Secretary of State, succession includes the Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi) and the President pro tempore of the Senate (Robert Byrd), but those two are not included in this list 'cause they're not cabinet members.

Vice President: Joseph R. Biden
State: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Treasury: Timothy F. Geithner
Defense: Robert M. Gates
Justice: Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Interior: Kenneth L. Salazar
Agriculture: Thomas J. Vilsack
Commerce: Gary F. Locke
Labor: Hilda L. Solis
Health and Human Services: Kathleen Sebelius
Housing and Urban Development: Shaun L.S. Donovan
Transportation: Raymond L. LaHood
Energy: Steven Chu
Education: Arne Duncan
Veterans Affairs: Eric K. Shinseki
Homeland Security: Janet A. Napolitano

Part 2: Country of the day = the Bahamas. Capital city = Nassau.

Part 3: Word of the day = fastidious adjective excessively particular, critical, or demanding

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